

Dear Esther,

You are a woman of God.

Your adopted father has taught you well - you lean into his love and your obedience is born from that love.

Your outward beauty does not define you - you don’t know vanity’s name.

Your heart belongs only to the Lord - your praise is strong, your prayer is bold… it is unwavering.

You never once fall from your faith.

You sacrifice.

You love your neighbor as yourself - relentlessly.

You glorify Him in all your works - in you He works.

You trust in the purpose you were given.

You fight anxiety and fear with the inward strength only born from a deep trust in your Father.

You are a woman of God.

In you He worked all things together for good.

In you He moved men to gentleness, kindness, and love for humanity.

You, Esther, are a woman to admire.

You, Esther, are a woman of God.

“who knows - perhaps it was for a time like this that you became queen?”

- Esther 4:14

We walk around seeking our perfect path - our purpose. It may seem like we are lost or roaming, but who knows?

God knows.

He has a purpose for you right here. He has a purpose for you right now. It IS for a time like this that He has placed you here. Let Him intercede - let Him use you to make all things come together for His good (Rom 8:28). For nothing is a surprise to God.

Now reread this and each time it says “you” follow with your name.

“I would stress too that the 'genius of woman' is seen in feminine styles of holiness, which are an essential means of reflecting God’s holiness in this world. Indeed, in times when women tended to be most ignored or overlooked, the Holy Spirit raised up saints whose attractiveness produced new spiritual vigor and important reforms in the Church. We can mention Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Saint Bridget, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. But I think too of all those unknown or forgotten women who, each in her own way, sustained and transformed families and communities by the power of their witness."

- Pope Francis

You have a purpose. You have a beautifully, unique witness. Live it powerfully.

x courtney.




snow season.